
The online student magazine by Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium Saarbrücken

Topic suggestions

Photo: Daniel Friesenecker /

Do you want to participate?

  • Do you have an interesting topic for us to report on?
    • Inform us by sending us a message!
  • You would like to be part of our team? You could join us
    • as a photographer taking pictures at school events
    • as an author resarching information and writing online articles
    • as an illustrator producing caricatures or comic strips
    • as a radio reporter for our podcasts show
    • as a video reporter filming with our camera and editing your videos
    • as an author contributing your own stories
    • by becoming creative in many more ways!!!

Contact us via our contact form or simply talk to one of our team members. We are looking forward to welcoming you on our team!!